Between Dreams and Dust

The idea of squatting her wasn’t as abhorrent as I feared in retrospect. Heck, I suggested it but then, my mouth has been known to run ahead of my head on occasion. The brain needed more than a few moments to process the suggestion the mouth just spewed and it came up with a few arguments in its favour...

While I am borderline OCD and kinda guard my space jealously, I’ve known her for a year and she’s as cool as they come. Nearly as OCDious as I am {if not more sef}, she was one of the coo’ kids and frankly, my social status did not grudge the rub-off. However, what sealed this arrangement {and made it as attractive as I could convince my brain} was the thought of my easy access to a steady supply of premium soaks, also known as Ijebu garri. Jolo’s stock was legend!

When she first complained about her eyesight that was suddenly going south bad, we just thought it must be the soaks and suggested that she cut back on garri drinking. But then, the sudden poor eyesight became black outs, and with them came truly blinding headaches. Again, we had an explanation for this: it was time she embraced her family’s spectacle-wearing destiny. Genes can only wait for so long...

What “it” actually was knocked us for six and with the diagnosis came a rapid downward spiral that is the very essence of nightmares. Truly unbelievable. Brain tumor. In a matter of weeks, her eyesight was gone. Her health was deteriorating so fast there was urgent need to get her medical treatment outside the country. I had just left the VC’s office to makes copies of the documents her family needed for the travel when I got the call. It was her brother. We both spoke at once...