House-Help Chronicles ~ Here We Go Again!


“Follow your instincts. That’s where true wisdom manifests itself” ~ Oprah Winfrey

Sometime mid March, my house help (who was beyond amazing, by the way) told me she wanted to go and visit her people. She said her mother had summoned all her kids, both home and abroad, for family prayers. Now, if you know how “busy” and “creative” these “people from the village” can be, you’ll understand the need for these family prayers every once in a while. After all, we really do not wrestle against flesh and blood!

Normally, I would feel my poor heart thumping away in panic as soon as I hear “Mummy, I want to travel and see my people”. These things can soooooo destabilize one, especially if your working hours ain’t flexible. For some reason tho, her's just made me smile that quiet I-was-not-born-yesterday type smile. This move I’ve sorta been expecting because lately, she's been less that her usual cheerful self...and to be fair, she hasn't been to see her people in the one year she has stayed with me. Maybe a change of environ will do her...and ultimately me...a world of good.

The panic began to creep in ever so stealthily when, after her approved week long holiday I was yet to see or hear from my trusted help. Hunting and breaking in new domestic staff, especially house helps is one chore I absolutely dread.

I sent out feelers to all and sundry. The search was on! After I interviewed the first couple of helps sent my way, I began to despair. The first could not string together a sentence in English to save her life; the other was referred to me by my neighbour’s house help....story for another day.

My joy when I got the BBM chat that said, “Olee gi? Found someone for you o. She took care of these kids I know. She may sha want like 30k or so” was immeasurable. When I called the someone found for me, I didn't even bother with interviewing her. I went from "Hey, how are you?" to "Pack your things and start coming to my house." What was I interviewing her for? My friend would never steer me wrong. More so, I know this help’s sister and in my opinion, Ghana house helps no too dey suffer from local weyrey like their Nigerian counterparts.

I was beyond relieved when Naomi* {the help} called to say she was in my house. Thank God for friends that always look out for you! I got home that evening to finally meet the voice I've been speaking to on the phone. Matured, respectful, pleasant and playful with the kids, what more could a girl ask for? I mouthed a quick thanks heavenwards and subtly pulled my sister to the corner!