That Time of the Year...


*In Eminem voice*
“Guess who’s back...
Back again...
Hazel’s back...
Tell a friend...”

Okay, okay...lemme stop fooling around and get down to biznit. What I have to say today is tres important. Imagine I had to take time off my self-imposed sabbatical to blog about this. That’s how importa-mkpa it is.
Ladies, if you are married and a parent to school age kids (plural oooo), September is the time to love the heck outta your husband (...or whoever pays the piper). I know you love him already but at this time, you up the ante on loving. Tell, touch, kiss, hug, sex, cook, clean...the whole nine yards and jara! You do not wait for the opportunity to show You create the opportunity and it best be every other minute of the day...until his September payday, at the very least. Then, you can go back to showing him regular love ‘cos I can bet you even a Stanford Wife (original) does not come wired with stamina for such extended service.