Chiviva Mid-Season Open Door Sales


Calling on all hair lovers, Chiviva Hair is at it again!
Our mid season open door sales is here! And with after sales maintenance too!

The lustrous Boom Curls
Date: June 1st, 2013

Venue: Silver Bird Galleria (Ground floor)

Time: 10am

Be on time and get yourself the most stylish hair trend of the season.

See More Pictures after the cut...

Never Say Never, Really

If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be filled with mothers.
~ Edgar W. Howe

Photo Credit: Google

I had gone to the Immigrations Office at Aba Road in PH to get the International Passport I applied for the week before. I was 23.
While I was waiting my turn, I couldn't help but notice this woman struggling to get her 4-year-old son to sit still and just generally shut it. I know; I asked his age. The boy had thrown all sorts of tantrum including hurling himself on the floor; his mother just ignored him. As if that enraged him even more, he started insulting his mother. “Stupid Mummy, wicked mummy, coconut head...”. It went on and on! This well dressed woman, hair intact, nails neatly manicured, turned, looked at her offspring and said, “Junior*, behave yourself or I’m gonna smack you!”. The boy’s response? He literally flew from the floor and gave his mother a resounding slap on the cheek. If people ignored the tantrums initially, they all took notice after the slap. Everybody started talking at once. Me, I just quietly shook my head in disgust and continued fiddling with my phone. Mannerless child! Incompetent mother! Why women would not give their little kids basic home training was beyond me. I mean, how hard could it be getting a child to know who’s boss and who’s in charge? I would never be this mom. I don't see my child behaving like this. I had a plan in place!

A Sell-out, The Heart


“When you really care about someone, their mistakes never change how you feel about them. It is the mind that gets angry; the heart still cares.” ~ Anonymous

I had a totally different post for today but as soon as i saw this quote on a friend’s dp, the inspiration for the planned post flew out of the window. You can’t even begin to realize how true the above quote is. Took me back 7 years.

I remember it like yesterday, the Friday before my bestie’s traditional wedding far back in ‘06. It was the soon-to-be-hubby’s birthday. I had no idea what caused the rift from the night before. Seemed like those days, every- and anything was a bone of contention between us. I hadn't learnt to say “I’m sorry. I was wrong. Please forgive me” and he, he didn't even know what “I was wrong” meant; never mind about “I am sorry”. That would be me asking for too much really. Hot heads, both of us. Quite passionate about our own opinions...and we guarded them jealously.

Whatever the bone of contention was from the night before must’ve been really heavy though, cos we slept on the same darn bed {with the space in between us as wide as that highway Moses constructed smack in the middle of River Nile, atink}, woke and resumed scowling at each other. I was soooooo angry I forgot refused to say Happy Birthday. Angrier when he left for work without so much as asking how I was gonna get to the airport for my 11:50 to Owerri. Angriest because this would be our last time together until our own traditional wedding barely two weeks later. Who gives his wife-to-be the silent treatment in view of all these?