HM QuikLinks: This Week in Blogsville

Halos people! How did everyone fare this week? My week wasnt so great but hey, thats just life.

Anyways, Blogsville is such as interesting place! Scratch that...wait, i wanna scratch that literally: Blogville is such an interesting place! There! I feel so much better now but...iDigress. Blogsville is an interesting phenomenon....random opinions, views, tastes, name it, its all here! Entertainment toh quality and never in short supply!

It was a shame i didnt have any post up this week {i blame it on my internet something} but im gonna redeem myself by providing links to those blogs that did post some this week....every single one of these posts, y'all will love.

Oya, tell me thank you in advance!!!

GISTDOTCOM is such a hilarious blog! That and the fact that its mostly written in pidgin english sorta doubles the fun. That being said, if thou art an employer of househelps, you should check out Sisi_Yemmie's  How To Tell When Your Housegirl is About to Yapa!  Its hilarious, yes but it addresses an issue that i know has troubled many women, me inclusive. Also, a man is at cross-road after his wife loses both ovaries; What Should He Do?

Jaycee of Lightherlamp never fails to inspire me! i know i have a lot to be thankful for; the question though is What Are You Thankful For?

Last week sunday was Mothers' Day {dunno which but i WILL celebrate alla o, anglican o, pentecostal long as its called Mothers' Day! Its no mean feat being a mother!!!} Cherry Chatter's Happy Mothers' Day post is such a sweet and innocent touched me! A Waste of Lives brough tears though, the kind that could only be caused by pain...the length these policians would go to acquire money and power! Smh

House is such a psychotic doctor but iDigress...again!

Speaking of politicians, its election day in Nigeria today. If you are nigerian and you qualified to vote, here are 10 Reasons To Vote by Bella Naija. So, go out and vote! Its in Style!!!

So, you tried to organise your jewelries but somehow, everything gets mixed up again? Well, if you haven't given up hope like i have, YNC's post Learning To Organize Your Jewelries should be of great help! Seriously!

Stay At Home Mom, to be or not to be? WorkingMomJournal's The Stay At Home Lawyer Mom should put things in some extent!

Razz Is The New Cool posted Randoms About the Menfolk  and even though ThirdWorldProfashional hasnt any new post, her post Buy The Cow kinda expantiated on one of those randoms Original Mgbeke yarned about!

Finally, she really needs your help so, Dear God, Please Help Waila! posted by WailaCaan. Hilarious post...i laughed all through...still laughing for that matter. Yeye gehl...

Thats it! Before i sign out tho, two things:

1. A special thank you to all my new followers and all those that left comments. I really appreciate! By the way, comments can now be posted on this blog via mobiles and blackberries blackberrys!

2. KAYLA STILL NEEDS OUR PRAYERS AND SO DOES HER MOTHER....for grace and strength to continue to have faith that her baby will be alright!


Sisi Yemmie said...

Thanks Hazel for the Link!!!!!You're amazing!!!!!xxx

CherryWine said...

Thank you for the mention. The traffic has been awZome

Hazel said...

@Sisi Yemmie and @CherryWine, anytime babes! U guys rock.

Yankeenaijababe said...

Are you for real, aww thanks dearie, you something else but I love it. Will be praying for Kayla and hoping you post sooner, stay blessed this week.

brown said...

how do i follow you

Hazel said...

@Yankeenaijababe, thanx babes.
@Brown, click on the follow icon, it should redirect you to a follow page!
Thanx ladies...x